Wednesday, November 4, 2009

small small pluto !

Pluto. How big is it?
Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar system at a little over 2080 kilometers. in diameter, or about one-sixth the diameter of
earth If Earth was the size of a soccer ball, Pluto would be the size of a ping-pong ball. Many of the moons of other planets, including the Earth's Moon, are larger than Pluto. It would take about 250 MILLION plutos to fit in to the sun!


  1. One thing i like about your blog is the color of the back ground also i like the facts and the pictures. one thing i don't like is how your have the words like. how is pluto not a planet.

  2. Great scale comparison! Knowing that Pluto is the size of a ping pong ball and smaller than our moon definitely legitimizes its demotion from a planet to a dwarf planet. I also really like the picture, humorous, but illustrates the relative sizes between planets. I actually think pluto is even smaller by comparison that what is shown. Great post.
    Next week we are going to talk about Pluto.

  3. And where is the post about Pluto's discovery? Maybe you saved but didn't publish it.

  4. I like your proves how small and out of place pluto is.I also don't really liek to picture. Rick wanted us to see how far away our body was from the sun, and your picture just shows pluto alone.
    On thing you can fiz is, that you should say that pluto is no longer a plant. It is too small and too out of range to be. It is a dwarf Planet.
