Monday, November 23, 2009


Pluto circles the sun once in 247.92 years that means it travels  5,906,380,000 km (3,670,050,000 mi).  Pluto is closer to the sun than is Neptune. No possibility of collision exists, however, because Pluto's orbit is inclined 17.14° to the plane of the ecliptic and never actually crosses Neptune's path.  
  • In 2006, got renamed from a "planet" to a "dwarf planet" 
  • Pluto gets closer to the Sun than Neptune about 10% of its orbit.
  • The temperature is around -230°C (-382°F)
  • Pluto is smaller than the Moon
  • No probes have gone to Pluto (yet) so we don't even have any good pictures of it.
  • Pluto is 3,670 million miles away from the Sun.
  • It takes 248 Earth years for Pluto to orbit around the Sun.
  • One day on Pluto is about 6 and a half earth days.
  • Pluto has three moons, They are almost the same size as Pluto. They are called Charon, Hydra and Nix
  • Pluto and Charon spin on an axis of about123 degrees.
  • Pluto has a large rock core, an icy mantle and an icy surface.
  • Pluto and Charon orbit together so both of them only see one side of each other.Because of Plutos weird orbit,Neptune is the farthest planet from the sun
Distance from Sun 
Perihelion (closest)4,436,820,000 km (2,756,912,000 mi)
Aphelion7,375,930,000 km (4,583,190,000 mi)
Distance from Earth 
Minimum4,293,700,000 km (2,668,000,000 mi)
Maximum7,533,300,000 km (4,681,000,000 mi)
Period of revolution247.92 earth years
Rotation period (sidereal day)6.387 earth days
Eccentricity of orbit0.249
Inclination of orbit17.14°
Mass (earth = 1)0.0022
Radius at equator1151 km (715 mi)
Mean density (earth = 1)0.4 (est.)
Surface gravity (earth = 1)0.08
Atmospheric pressure at surface (earth = 1)>3 microbars (est.)
Surface temperature (min./max)-233° to -223° C (-387° to -369° F)
Known natural satellites1

Monday, November 9, 2009

small small pluto.

Small small Pluto.  So small it not even considered a planet! It is not considered  a planet because there are requirements.  Pluto does not meet all these requirements.  The requirements for Pluto are It needs to orbit around the sun Pluto does that so far so good.  It has to have enough gravity to pull itself into a spherical shape Pluto does that.  It is a circle!  The last step is it has to either absorb everything or spit everything out.  Pluto does not do those two things it just circles with all of the other planets.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Museum! class trip

My class went to the museum of natural history. We went to the rose center. We saw a movie about the big bang. I learned that As big as the world and our galaxy seems there is SO MANY MORE out there and that really  we are just a small little itty bitty galaxy compared to every other galaxy! This trip was a very fun trip and I was very happy I got to learn more about my planet and more about just in general THE WORLD!!!  then when you compare Pluto to our galaxy that is even smaller. Pluto is so small as we all know it is not Even considered a planet any more.  

small small pluto !

Pluto. How big is it?
Pluto is the smallest planet in our solar system at a little over 2080 kilometers. in diameter, or about one-sixth the diameter of
earth If Earth was the size of a soccer ball, Pluto would be the size of a ping-pong ball. Many of the moons of other planets, including the Earth's Moon, are larger than Pluto. It would take about 250 MILLION plutos to fit in to the sun!